Modelling of running performance and training

Modélisation de l’entraînement et de la performance en course à pied


Franck Tancret








The influence of training parameters on the performances of a male middle-distance runner has been quantitatively modelled by a Gaussian processes statistical regression software. The latter produces a non-linear multi-dimensional regression model of the running performance as a function of relevant training parameters. The database was constituted of the athlete’s actual training schedules and race performances over several outdoor track seasons on 800 m, 1000 m and 1500 m. The respective effects and interactions of the three main kinds of training sessions have been identified (endurance, resistance, and sprint), and succesfully compared to commonly accepted qualitative trends. The model is able to predict the performances of an athlete given a complete season’s training record, and can subsequently be used by the coach to optimise the training schedule and race performance.





Understanding and modelling athletic training and performance is a very tricky task that has generated lots of scientific work in many various fields such as medecine, physiology (Billat, 1996; Craig et al., 1993; Di Prampero et al., 1998; Fukuba et al., 1993; Green and Dawson, 1993; Hausswirth and Brisswalter, 1999), nutrition (Tsintzas and Williams, 1998), biomechanics (Anderson, 1996; Morgan et al., 1994; Novacheck, 1996; Nummela et al., 1996), psychology (Crews, 1992), statistics (Grubb, 1998; Léger and Mercier, 1984), etc... Moreover, most of the performance prediction studies consist in establishing relations between the present physiological or physical characteristics of athletes and their expected performance in a near future (Babineau and Léger, 1997; Bannister and Fitzclarke, 1993). Nevertheless, the relation between training and performance is so complex that only separate aspects are clearly scientifically understood, and require often time-demanding and expensive experiments. Moreover, in order to identify precisely the role of each individual parameter, those tests are almost always carried out in very precise conditions which do not necessarily reflect the context of an athlete’s normal life. As a consequence, even if of capital qualitative importance for coaches, the results usually cannot be simply applied to optimise the training schedule of individual athletes, and only a few attempts on global modelling have been performed (Morton, 1997).

In this work, a preliminary study is carried out to model directly, and as a whole, the effect of training parameters during a complete season on the performance of a given athlete. More precisely, the influence of the three main kinds of sessions (endurance, resistance, and sprint) on the race performance of a middle-distance runner (800 m to 1500 m) has been modelled using a Gaussian processes software. Gaussian processes are able to perform a kind of non-linear, multiparametric regression of one output —in this case the athletic performance— as a function of many different input parameters —here the amount of training in different effort categories, the advancement of the season, the number of races run, etc... They can then be used to predict the output value, i.e. athletic performance, given a set of new inputs —a new training schedule.





If you do not feel comfortable with statistical theories and, more generally, with mathematics, you can easily skip this section!


Although already documented in the literature (Gibbs, 1998; Williams and Rasmussen, 1996), but because they are the basic modelling tool of the present study, Gaussian processes should be first briefly presented.

Let’s consider the data, D, as a set of N L-dimensional input vectors {x1x2,..., xN} = [XN] and their corresponding outputs, or targets, {t1, t2,..., tN} = tN. In the present case the L dimensions will correspond to the L training parameters supposed to have an influence on athletic performance. Each of the N inputs will correspond to the training history before each of the N race performances (outputs) used to create the model. Now, if one wants to predict the athletic performance that can be expected with a new training schedule, it is necessary to calculate the output, tN+1, corresponding to a new input vector, xN+1.

The joint probability distribution, in an N-dimensional space, of the N output values in the database given the N input vectors, is P(tNï[XN] ). In a similar way, the joint probability distribution of the N data points plus the single new point with input vector xN+1, for which we want to predict the output tN+1, is P(tN+1, tNçxN+1, [XN]). We are looking for the one-dimensional probability distribution over the predicted point, P(tN+1çxN+1, D}, given the corresponding input vector, xN+1, and the data D = { tN, [XN] }. A relationship exists between the above quantities (Gibbs, 1998):




We define this distribution as a Gaussian process (GP), in assuming that the joint probability distribution of any N output values is a multivariate Gaussian,




where µ is the mean, [CN] a covariance matrix which is a function of [XN], and Q a set of parameters which will be discussed later. Consequently, a similar equation —with N+1 variables— holds for , and equation (1) reduces to a univariate Gaussian (Gibbs, 1998):




where  is the posterior mean (i.e. the value of the predicted output) and  the standard deviation (i.e. an indication of the prediction error):


  and                                                                              (4)(5)




       and                                                 (6)(7)


Equation (3) gives the probability distribution of the new output, tN+1, given the new input vector, xN+1, and the data, D. The mean prediction, , and its standard deviation, , depend on the covariance matrix, [CN], which elements Cij are given by the covariance function, C. This function is extremely important because it embodies our assumptions about the nature of the underlying input-output function we want to model. In other words, it defines how strongly any input will influence the value of the output. The covariance function used in the present work is




where Q = { (l = 1 to L), q1, q2, sn}.

This function gives the covariance between any two outputs, ti and tj, with corresponding input vectors xi and xj. The closer the inputs, the smaller the exponent in the first term of equation (8), the larger the first term, and the stronger the outputs will be correlated, making it probable that they have close values. This first term also includes the length scales, , over which the function will be able to vary in any of the L input dimensions.  indicates the smoothness of the interpolant in the th dimension: no long-range correlations in the data on lengthscales much bigger than  are to be expected.

The second term, q2, is an offset, allowing the functions to have a non-zero mean value. The last term, , is the noise model, with dij being equal to 1 if i = j and to 0 otherwise. We have thus an input-independent noise model of variance  for the output, and we are assuming the inputs to be noise-free. In the present case, the “noise” in the outputs can be due to race conditions —weather, global level of the race, tactics— or to different health or psychological state of the athlete from race to race.

The parameters Q = { (l = 1 to L), q1, q2, sn} are called hyperparameters because they define the probability distribution over functions rather than the interpolating function itself. These hyperparameters, Q, the dataset, [XN], tN, and the new input vector, xN+1, define completely the value of the prediction, or output, , and of its standard deviation, . The optimum values of the hyperparameters are inferred by the computer software during the training of the model by maximizing the probability of the hyperparameters given the data, P(QçD), which is done numerically within a Bayesian framework (Gibbs, 1998).


In the present problem, a Gaussian processes model has been optimised in order to predict what performance () can be expected from a particular athlete given his whole training record ( [XN] ) and race performances (tN) over several seasons. The advantage of this kind of modelling is that it doesn’t need any knowledge about the scientific parameters that influence performance, and it is able to take all the interactions between training parameters into account. However, before making any prediction, it is of technical interest to check if the model is able to reproduce well-know training trends, such as the individual effect of endurance, resistance, sprint, etc., on the race performance.





The database has been constituted from the training and race records of 6 spring/summer seasons of a unique male middle-distance runner, between 21 and 26 years old, with personal bests of 1 min 56.3 s (116.3 s) on 800 m and 3 min 58.8 s (238.8 s) on 1500 m, achieved at the age of 22 and 26, respectively. In all cases, the spring/summer outdoor seasons started at the end of March or beginning of April, following a period of 2 to 4 weeks of relative rest (two or three 30 to 45 minute steady jogs a week) after either a cross-country winter season or a coupled cross-country and indoor track season on 800 m / 1500 m. Consequently, the first two parameters are the age and a boolean input indicating the nature of the winter season (cross-country, or cross-country and indoor track), since this is likely to modify the endurance, resistance and/or speed background of the athlete at the beginning of the outdoor track season.

As this work represents a preliminary study, the problem has been voluntarily oversimplified, and only a few training parameters, supposedly of main importance, have been taken into account: the number of three different kinds of training sessions thereafter called endurance, resistance, and sprint (defined and discussed later), and the number of training weeks and of races run since the beginning of the outdoor track season. The output, i.e. race performance on 800 m, 1000 m or 1500 m, is given by the Hungarian Scoring Table. All the parameters, as long as their minimum and maximum values in the database, are presented in Table 1. The database was constituted of 30 lines, i.e. race results.














in years

Type of winter season





0 = cross-country

1 = cross-country + indoor track

Number of weeks since start of season





Number of endurance sessions since start of season





Number of resistance sessions since start of season





Number of sprint sessions since start of season





Number of races since start of season





Output: performance



in points for

800, 1000 or 1500 m


Table 1: input and output parameters in the database, and their extremum values



The concepts of endurance, resistance, and sprint sessions considered in this study must be explicited:


- Endurance: easy steady-state running sessions of typically 30 to 45 minutes used to develop endurance, as well as regeneration sessions (Hawley et al., 1997).

- Resistance: refers to a quite wide range of sessions, usually done on the track, and constituted of repetitions of fractions mainly from 100 m to 500 m, run at paces close to 800 m or 1500 m races, with a cumulated length most often comprised between 1200 m and 2000 m. The rest between fractions can be made jogging or walking, and last between one and three times the duration of the previous fraction. A wide range of different sessions are included in this category, for example the so-called “interval-training”, but they all have the common goal of improving the basic resistance at race pace. Even if still discussed scientifically (Keith et al., 1992), they are commonly accepted as one of the main factors to improve performance (Hawley et al., 1997; Lindsay et al., 1996; Tanaka and Swensen, 1998), and often represent 50% or more of the number of sessions in middle-distance training.

- Sprint, or speed: these sessions aim to develop the basic speed, which is also believed to be a relevant factor (Jensen et al., 1997). These sessions usually consist in repetitions of fractions of 40 m to 150 m, run at full speed, with a walking rest until “complete” recovery, for a cumulative length mostly comprised between 400 m and 800 m.


It should be noted that all these parameters are very simple to characterise, but that each of them implies many complex physiological and biomechanical phenomena, none of them being completely scientifically understood. As a consequence, the chosen parameters do not represent the real basic parameters of running. However, and that is the main purpose of the present study, they represent a very practical basis for the design of new training schedules, because they are coaching parameters.

Moreover, as this is only a preliminary study, no information about the actual content of each session has been included. This point will be discussed later.





1 - Modelling


The “Tpros”* Gaussian processes software, developed by the University of Cambridge, UK, has been used to create the inputs-output fit. A good indicator of the effectiveness of the modelling is the comparison of predicted versus actual outputs for the inputs contained in the database. This is plotted in figure 1, where it can be seen that a rather good agreement between actual performance and predictions is obtained. This is the first indicator of a good model. It should be reminded that error bars, as calculated from equations (5) and (8), contain both a predictive uncertainty and an estimation of the noise in the database.



Figure 1: Comparison between actual and predicted race performances for the inputs of the database.



2 - Testing trends


The ability of the model to reproduce values of the output that have been used to train it is not sufficient, because this does not tell if the model is able to generalise well, i.e. to make reliable predictions in unknown cases. Thus, to better assess the validity of the model, it is interesting to check if it is able to reproduce practically well-known or scientifically understood training trends.

It is not here the purpose to test extensively and systematically all possible trends, but to give a few examples to show how the model is able to deal with raw data.


First, since resistance training is supposed to be of major importance, its substitution to either endurance or sprint training has been investigated. Figure 2 show the influence of the number of resistance sessions on race performance for a constant number of ‘resistance + endurance’ sessions (39), all other parameters being fixed (cross-country winter season, age 26, 12th week of the season, 6 sprint sessions and 6 races run). It is clear that replacing endurance training by resistance training improves performance. However, it is worth reminding that abusing of this kind of substitution may cause overtraining, fatigue, and injuries: even if the actual trend is correctly predicted, it is the duty of the coach to interpret and adjust results to the athlete’s training schedule.



Figure 2: Evolution of the predicted performance when endurance training is replaced by resistance training.

As the number of resistance sessions increases, that of endurance sessions decreases equally.

Dashed lines: error bounds.



Similarly, figure 3 shows the effect of replacing sprint training by resistance, all other parameters kept constant (cross-country winter season, age 21, 15th week of the season, 24 endurance sessions and 6 races run). Once more, increasing the proportion of resistance globally increases race performance, but it is interesting to note that the curve reaches a plateau: if sprint is almost suppressed, there is finally a lack of basic speed which prevents the athlete from improving further, especially on short distances (e.g. 800 m), which is well known by all coaches.



Figure 3: Evolution of the predicted performance when sprint training is replaced by resistance training.

As the number of resistance sessions increases, that of sprint sessions decreases equally.

Dashed lines: error bounds.



The second set of tested trends concerns the effect of an increase in training, by adding either endurance or resistance sessions, all other parameters being fixed (cross-country winter season, age 24, 12th week of the season, 6 sprint sessions and 6 races run).

Figure 4 shows that increasing the number of endurance sessions alone has almost no effect on race performance. It is known that endurance does not directly improve middle-distance running performance —so that the model predictions are correct—, but it is also kown that it is necessary for injury-free long-lasting seasons and for general recovery —which is ignored by the model.



Figure 4: Predicted performance when the number of endurance sessions increases. Dashed lines: error bounds.



Finally, figure 5 shows a significant positive effect of increasing the number of resistance sessions on race performance, which is also consistent with basic coaching knowledge. Once more, if this type of sessions is repeated too often, this can yield overtraining and injuries, but this is not known by the model since the data concerned only “normal” training.



Figure 5: Predicted performance when the number of resistance sessions increases. Dashed lines: error bounds.



3 - Making predictions


Only once tested, the model can be trusted to make performance predictions for new training schedules, and to try and optimise training prameters to improve performance. In this aim, predictions were made in varying slightly the training schedule parameters from the two best performances of the database.

For example, one of those best performances was achieved after an indoor track season, the other one after a cross-country winter season. In the former case, changing the nature of the winter season from indoor to cross-country decreases the race perfomance by 14.6 points, i.e. a loss of 0.63 seconds on 800 m or 1.27 seconds on 1500 m. In the second case, changing from cross-country to indoor increases the perfomance by 10.1 points, i.e. a gain of 0.44 seconds on 800 m or 0.89 seconds on 1500 m. In both cases, this indicates the beneficial effect on an indoor track winter season on the outdoor track summer performance. This can be understood by a gain in initial resistance and speed at the beginning of the summer season. Even if this could seem obvious for most coaches, there was so far no strict evidence.


The ‘Tpros’ software is able to find extrema in the output by input optimisation. This has been made to maximise performance, starting from the inputs corresponding to the two best performances, and setting the winter season as indoor track and the age as 26. Inputs converged to similar values in both cases. Inputs for session numbers have then been set to the closest integer value, and a new prediction has been performed with the obtained following inputs: 15 weeks and 7 races run since start of outdoor track season, 23, 34 and 5 endurance, resistance and sprint sessions, respectively. This led to an increase of 17 and 35 points with respect to the two best predicted performances for inputs of the database, corresponding respectively to a gain of 0.73 s and 1.51 s on 800 m, or of 1.49 s and 3.06 s on 1500 m. If confirmed by actual experiment, such improvements could make the difference for a qualification, a victory, or a personal record.





A Gaussian processes regression computer software has been used to model and predict the athletic performances of a male middle-distance runner (800 m to 1500 m), as a function of various simplified components of his training records over a complete season: respective amounts of endurance, resistance, and sprint, advancement of the season... The model is able to reproduce successfully the influence of various training trends in a given context, as well as interactions between them: effects of increasing the amount of endurance or resistance, substituting endurance or sprint by resistance, etc...

It can thus be used to predict the possible performances of an athlete given his season’s training programme only, and, to some extent, to design a new training schedule to increase performance. However, since the parameters used in this study have been voluntarily oversimplified —e.g. “resistance” holds for any kind of session with repetitions run close to race pace— the present study constitutes only a preliminary but promising work in the field of training modelling. Indeed, it could be possible in the future to include other parameters, allowing for example a more precise description of “resistance” sessions: number of repetitions, length and speed, recovery between repetitions, total distance... Nevertheless, it should be kept in mind that including too many parameters may lead to modelling uncertainties, in particular if the range of values encountered for each input is too small. Consequently, it might be useful to limit the description of resistance sessions to a kind of “equivalent work charge”, the latter needing to be otherwise defined. Also, the present model did not take into account any indication of overtraining (which was obviously absent in the present case), nor tapers, which are important factors influencing race performance (Bannister et al., 1999; Mujika, 1998; Shepley et al., 1992).

At a more ambitious scale, this kind of approach could be extended to a “universal” training model, taking into account the training records and performances of many different athletes. For this, it should be necessary to “normalise” the performances of all the athletes (for example by their personal best), and, possibly, to take other personal characteristics into account, so that the results can be applied to any athlete. Given the previously exposed possibilities of such a modelling approach, it is obvious that further research has to be done in this area.

Finally, it must be kept in mind that the present approach is purely empirical, and includes implicitely —through the design of training sessions itself— results from decades of training science. Consequently, it does not constitute a replacement for training science and theory, which are still needed in the long term to better understand the fundamental mechanisms of exercise, and to improve training sessions themselves. Nevertheless, the present approach could be a very powerful tool for coaches in the short term.





The author would like to thank Mr. Jacky Wattebled (Comité Omnisports de la Bresle, Eu, France) and Mr. Dominique Pignet (Stade Malherbe Athletic Caennais, Caen, France) for their technical advice within the Fédération Française d’Athlétisme.





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* At present, this free software can be downloaded from the Internet at: